post_id: 13 / post_date: 2009-01-13
I hunt! Therefore I am! - Hetfield and friends
If every habit we cultivate practically needs to fulfilling some purpose (hunan requirement), you will find this ALA article: designing for flow very interesting!
Online Presence
Web Presence and marketing are vital to a companies survival. The F Web Group supports this venture!
Building a reputation
Whitepapers, bolstering of usergroups, learning centres and participation in organisations such as the IEEE are ways to quickly gain a name for any company.
This link contains a set of practical questions to be asked by the founders of any enterprise!
Raising Funds
Philanthrophists are not born that way! Hope that other people will strive to fulfil a common goal that they both share and that other people will strive to someday return the favour to someone else.